June 2018

How to Get Your Audience Hooked on Your Brand

Let’s think about the last time you visited the produce aisle at your local grocery store. You know you want Honeycrisp apples because they are crunchy and sweet, a familiar taste that pairs well with the gruyere cheese you love. You come upon a giant mound of apples, all ready for the taking, but which ones do you choose? It only takes a matter of seconds to scan your options, taking note of color variations, shine, imperfections, and maybe  a quick squeeze to check for soft spots. Picking your apples is a fairly visceral decision that requires only the instinct to choose what’s best. We don’t sit and ponder the way in which we will experience each bite of that apple, but rather trust that the shiny, clean, crisp apple will serve it’s purpose: to taste good with that gruyere.

Now, let’s not discredit the sophistication of the modern-day consumer. We are informed, aware of our options, and intelligent enough to carefully weigh the pros and cons of everything we buy. However, it only takes seconds to make a first impression, and people form their opinions before they delve into the details. The moment a person is exposed to your brand is the moment they decide whether it’s worth learning about. Once you have their attention, your brand image takes hold. The first and most memorable facet of your brand image is your logo, which should be reflective of your company’s core value, promise, and personality, all in one simple image. It is the foundation of who you are as a brand, and sets expectations for the credibility, quality, and experience you will deliver to your customers.

Having a thoughtfully designed logo is just the beginning. Consistency and repetition are the hallmarks of successful brands like Apple, or Nike, and a brand guide sets the standard for how all the pieces come together for any brand. A well-developed guide will include logo specifications, color codes and their appropriate use, typography, suitable photography, supporting graphic elements, web standards, social media use and much more. A brand guide will also include your mission statement, representing the story of your company’s values and how they serve your audience. Without a brand guide, it’s easy to steer your image off-course and lose credibility. Having these guidelines in place will ensure that your brand stays consistent no matter who manages it or how it is delivered. Although brands can evolve organically, your brand guide will set your company’s tone for years to come, and that’s what keeps you relevant and memorable in your industry.

So what does it take to build a good brand? At Moxie Studios, it starts with research. To understand the ins-and-outs of your unique products or services, we learn about your culture, your values, how you operate, and what your goals are. We might also ask what brand of car your brand would be and why (seriously), because your brand should represent your values, whether that’s quality or luxury or affordability. Even more importantly, we familiarize ourselves with your audience, because at the end of the day, customer is king, right? What do they prefer, why do they buy, and what do they need from you? We learn about their pain points and motivations, so that your brand can become their trusted solution. Once your brand is established, every brochure, web page, and social media post should be consistent with your promise, “We are the good apples and here is why…” At Moxie Studios, we help make sure you stay shiny.

To learn more about Moxie Studios in Cleveland, OH, find us on FacebookInstagramTwitter and LinkedIn